August 27, 2003
The Honorable Tom Ridge
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Washington, D.C. 20528
Dear Secretary Ridge:
In light of last week’s events revealing additional serious flaws in
the Windows software bundle, I am writing concerning the Department
of Homeland Security’s choice of Microsoft as the preferred supplier
of desktop and server software for its computing needs. I strongly
urge you to reconsider this decision.
The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) is an
association of computer, communications, Internet and technology
companies that range from small entrepreneurial firms to some of the
largest members of the industry. CCIA was founded over 30 years ago
and our members include equipment manufacturers, software
developers, providers of electronic commerce, networking,
telecommunications and online services, resellers, systems
integrators, and third-party vendors. Our member companies employ
nearly one million people and generate annual revenues exceeding
$200 billion. Although we have always supported open, industry-wide
fair and efficient procurement policies, we do not represent
companies in the bidding and procurement process.
CCIA also has a long history of advocacy and expertise in the area
of cybersecurity. We recently pointed out in submissions sent to the
Administration and the Congress the importance of security testing,
the dangers of relying on single suppliers for information
technology, the inherent risks associated with homogenous systems,
and the need for “biodiversity” among software components and
We believe that for software to be truly secure it must be well
written from the outset with security considerations given a high
priority. Unfortunately, there is ample evidence that for many years
economic, marketing, and even anticompetitive goals were far more
important considerations than security for Microsoft’s software
developers, and these broader objectives were often achieved at the
cost of adequate security. Also, from a security standpoint, the
lack of diversity within a networked system amplifies the risk
emanating from any vulnerabilities that do exist. But diversity is
difficult without interoperability, and the benefits of
interoperating with more robust systems can be blocked if any
dominant player does not cooperate in fostering interoperability.
Unfortunately, numerous courts and government enforcement bodies,
including the United States Department of Justice, have formally
found that Microsoft has used technical barriers to inhibit
interoperability with, and competition from, other software
platforms and applications.
We are currently engaged in extensive security research in this area
and our preliminary findings indicate the severity of the security
problems relating to some Microsoft software is substantial. The
news from the last few weeks demonstrates that this problem is not
just theoretical, but real and immediate and one that imperils
homeland security.
In just the last two weeks, Microsoft products have been attacked by
a virus and worm -- Sobig.F and Blaster -- but these are only the
most recent examples of major security failure created by
vulnerabilities in Microsoft’s dominant software portfolio. The
damage caused by these attacks is significant and has caused
millions of dollars of harm to our economy, but security experts
agree the damage could easily have been much worse. According to the
Washington Post, Blaster and its associated counter-measures were
responsible for the temporary closure of Maryland’s Department of
Motor Vehicles offices, failure of the passenger check-in system at
Air Canada, an intrusion on the Navy-Marine intranet, and
cancellations and suspensions of service on the CSX railroad. Of
even greater concern are recent reports of an April e-mail to the
Nuclear Regulatory Commission from FirstEnergy detailing how a
previous worm directed at Microsoft servers, Slammer, disabled a
safety monitoring system at an offline nuclear power plant for close
to five hours. Fortunately, the plant was not operational during the
failure, there was no safety hazard, but this incident could have
just as easily occurred with an online plant. All of these failures
are unfortunately predictable and we can expect to continue to see
similar problems in the future.
In short, we have seen these most recent worms and viruses directed
at Microsoft slow down, delay, and disable systems handling critical
transportation, military and energy functions. Though certainly the
creator of these malicious attacks must bear the brunt of blame,
Microsoft is also largely responsible for continuing to create
software riddled with obvious and easily exploited vulnerabilities.
This problem is compounded when new or separate products and
functionalities are intricately bundled, sometimes illegally, into
Windows. As the Washington Post editorialized:
[T]he main cause of virus prevalence, say computer experts, is
poorly designed software. The Blaster worm was created to take
advantage of a vulnerability in Microsoft’s operating system,
particularly targeting Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT, and
Windows Server 2003. Such vulnerabilities exist because software is
distributed without appropriate amounts of testing and because
software vendors increasingly create new functionalities that invite
Because of these recent developments, historical experience, and the
inherent risks associated with lack of diversity, we ask that you
reconsider your heavy reliance upon a single, flawed software
platform to protect our national security. The latest round of worms
has shown in dramatic fashion the economic damage and danger to our
safety that can occur because of reliance on a single vendor who has
failed to demonstrate a core commitment to security. Our hope is
that you fully consider these critical concerns when implementing
security and information technology in the Department.
Ed Black
President & CEO