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November 07, 2003
Raelians Protest Catholic Positions on AIDS, Contraceptives I've started receiving spam press releases from the Raelians! I think this was the religion that annouced that it cloned a child, but then either retracted the claim or failed to produce the child. In any case, the Raelians really don't like the Catholic Church's position on AIDS and condom distribution: "The Catholic Church is deceiving! The president of the Vatican's Pontifical Council for the Family, Cardinal Alphonso Lopez affirmed on the BBC channel on October 9th, 2003, that condoms are permeable to the AIDS virus. He suggested that governments should invite populations to stop using them (see: The Raelians urge the public to take an act of Apostasy! "Fill out this form (PDF) and send back this act of apostasy to the diocese that registered your baptism, with this document you ask to no longer be on the lists of the Catholic members." Whatever you do, don't trade one stupid religion for another... How conflicting. The Raelians are right on this issue, but completely batshit otherwise. The Catholics are wrong on this issue, but at least they aren't trying to prepare a clone army before the coming of the magical space aliens. Posted by: Reenhead at November 7, 2003 10:06 AMPost a comment
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