A Great I.F. Stone Quote
Few will dare to say it now, but the time is coming when the truth will be
recognized, a trust which the Framers of our Constitution wove into the
fabric of American government. They saw that there could not be freedom
without risk, that no stable society could be built except on a foundation
of trust, and that when trust was violated--and only then--a man could be
punished. They did not think it was the province of government to police
men's minds, or that it had a right to punish them unless they committed
some wrongful act. They would have been horrified at our growing system of
thought police, of guessing-game "law" about prospective crime, and indeed
most of all by our obsession with "security."
--I. F. Stone, Incommensurate Equation: Justice and Security, January 24, 1955
Posted by chris at November 12, 2003 06:03 PM