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December 04, 2003
Austrian Workers Object to Xmas Music Terrorism The Age reports that an Austrian trade union has claimed that Xmas music constitutes "psycho-terrorism" for salespeople! "The Union of Private Employees is appealing to department store owners to use moderation and play Christmas music for only a few hours each day. "From morning to night, for weeks before Christmas, there was the same Christmas music in department stores over and over again, said Gottfried Rieser of the Union of Private Employees. "'Many staff in the retail sector suffer psychologically from it,'" Mr Rieser said. "'They get aggressive. On Christmas Eve with their families, they can't stand Silent Night or Jingle Bells any more.'" I feel the same way about Xmas music. It assaults me when I buy breakfast at Safeway every morning. We must end this Xmas tyranny. Posted by chris at December 4, 2003 11:43 AM
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