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December 08, 2003
Lieberman's Favorite TV: Touched by a Silly Myth The Washington Post reports on Senator Lieberman, who for some time has battled with Holywood powers about vulgar and violent television. I agree with him that television and a lot of other forms of entertainment is just trash, but it is very difficult to change its nature without engaging in values-based censorship. Especially when the advocate of raising standards likes "Touched by an Angel:" "This is a persistent criticism of Lieberman -- that he works with a broad brush and lacks direct knowledge of the products and programs he goes after. Several entertainment-industry lobbyists and reporters remember a news conference Lieberman and Bennett called in 1994 to condemn media violence. When a reporter asked Lieberman to name a favorite TV program, the senator cited 'The McNeil-Lehrer Report' on PBS. Pressed for the name of an entertainment program, Lieberman hesitated, seemingly unable to come up with an answer. Several people then overheard an aide whispering, 'Touched by an Angel.' Lieberman immediately named the wholesome CBS drama as a favorite." Now, that's scary. I'm for raising standards, but I don't want anyone who watches religious programming in charge of the process! Posted by chris at December 8, 2003 09:00 AM
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