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December 16, 2003
Morford on Tray-Table Ads A friend suggested that she is going to start flying with a magic marker in order to deface the newest advertising intrusion into our world: airline tray table advertising. Mark Morford has a great column on "TTA:" Friday, December 12, 2003 (SF Gate) Just when you think it can't possibly get any more mutated and underhanded Just when you think it's all been done and they can't possibly dream up Yes. Tray tables. On airplanes. Right there. [...] Tray-table advertising is the latest thing. TTA is beginning with America Because it's not enough that they put little ads on ATM machines and on Because they are shameless and whorelike and borderline insane, and on a This is what the marketing people love the most about TTA. You cannot Which is no solution at all, given how four inches away is another seat And all you can really do is pop the Valium and put on the headphones and Oh hell. It's not really a big deal. It's just another dumb ad in a vast But is there no threshold? This is the question. Is there no point when we You'd think we'd have reached saturation. You'd think that there simply You are, apparently, wrong. There are more ways. There are always more It is all in the name of helping the consumer, they claim, and the airline We will sacrifice our integrity for it. We will sacrifice our rational We will sacrifice American jobs. We will gladly let the plant down the We will sacrifice our planet. Gladly, every day, every corner, every Tray-table ads are a tiny speck, the latest infinitesimal blow to the Because if we have learned anything, it is not so much that we are a Rather, we have learned that the demons of that capitalist pantheon will, Just when you think it can't possibly get any more mutated and underhanded Just when you think it's all been done and they can't possibly dream up Yes. Tray tables. On airplanes. Right there. So now, after you suffer an hour of interminable security checks and the And you sit down and squeeze in your arms to your sides and make yourself And after the flight attendant ambles by with drinks and you flip down the Tray-table advertising is the latest thing. TTA is beginning with America Because it's not enough that they put little ads on ATM machines and on Because they are shameless and whorelike and borderline insane, and on a This is what the marketing people love the most about TTA. You cannot Which is no solution at all, given how four inches away is another seat And all you can really do is pop the Valium and put on the headphones and Oh hell. It's not really a big deal. It's just another dumb ad in a vast But is there no threshold? This is the question. Is there no point when we You'd think we'd have reached saturation. You'd think that there simply You are, apparently, wrong. There are more ways. There are always more It is all in the name of helping the consumer, they claim, and the airline We will sacrifice our integrity for it. We will sacrifice our rational We will sacrifice American jobs. We will gladly let the plant down the We will sacrifice our planet. Gladly, every day, every corner, every Tray-table ads are a tiny speck, the latest infinitesimal blow to the Because if we have learned anything, it is not so much that we are a Rather, we have learned that the demons of that capitalist pantheon will, I'm waiting for the Federal Reserve to set aside ad space on our cash. Posted by: Adrian Pritchett at December 16, 2003 05:06 PMPost a comment
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