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December 17, 2003
Pigs Getting Cheaper? There is an interesting notice in the Federal Register today discussing assessments on pigs made under the "Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Act of 1985:" "This proposed rule would decrease the amount of assessments on imported pork and pork products subject to assessment by five-hundredths to seven-hundredths of a cent per pound, or as expressed in cents per kilogram, eleven-hundredths to fifteen-hundredths of a cent per kilogram. This decrease is consistent with the decrease in the annual average price of domestic barrows and gilts for calendar year 2002. The average annual market price decreased from $45.87 in 2001 to $37.09 in 2002, a decrease of about 20 percent." That market price is per hundredweight. Posted by chris at December 17, 2003 09:39 AM
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