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January 11, 2004
Entitlement in the House of Bush Jonathan Yardley, in a review of Kevin Phillips' American Dynasty, Aristocracy, Fortune, and the Politics of Deceit in the House of Bush, writes: "In this angry, devastating examination of "the House of Bush," Kevin Phillips asks the question that seems to have occurred to no one else: How did these people get so entitled? How is it that a family in no way distinguished by genuine accomplishment, moral and/or political conviction or exceptional intelligence has managed to lay claim as a matter of right to the American presidency, and how is it -- this is the real puzzler -- that the American people seem to have acquiesced in this presumption? How did we manage to put ourselves in the hands of a family that clearly believes it has dynastic stature, with all the privileges and entitlements attendant thereto, and behaves accordingly? Good question! Posted by chris at January 11, 2004 02:27 PM
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