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April 07, 2004
Kamen Covers Both Sides of PR Al Kamen reports that Tiffany, a jewelry retailer, has been retailiated against for making statements that mining can be performed in an environmentally friendly way. It seems that Michael Kowalski, Tiffany's CEO, placed an ad opposing a mining project in the Post that read: "We at Tiffany & Co. understand that mining must remain an important industry," he said. "But like some other businesses benefiting from trade in precious metals, we also believe . . . minerals should -- and can -- be extracted, processed and used in ways that are environmentally and socially responsible." Here is the response, according to Kamen: "The usual suspects rounded themselves up. "'Don't let Tiffany & Co. get away with it,' the American Land Rights Association quickly e-mailed members that day. "Here's what you can do to help. "1. Call Tiffany and Co. for a copy of their catalogue. . . . Call all your friends to urge them to do the same. Hopefully, all the calls will overwhelm them. "2. Send a short letter to the editor of The Washington Post." Also, "begin to use Tiffany & Co. as a poster child for how elitists care less about family wage jobs," and attack the company for appearing to be "surrogates for extreme green groups." Also, attack Kowalski for "his seven figure salary" and "wealthy snobbery." A few days later, the enviros got into the act, with the Mineral Policy Center/Earthworks sending its members an e-mail. "This alert is different!" the e-mail said. "This time, we ask you to send congratulations to a business that has done the right thing." Let the company "know you applaud their leadership on this issue," send a thank-you to Kowalski, send a letter to the editor at The Post to praise Tiffany "for taking a bold public position against the outdated 1872 Mining Law." "This scenic wilderness is no place for a large silver and copper mine." Kowalski might want to invite everyone for breakfast at the store. Posted by chris at April 7, 2004 09:38 AM
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