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April 10, 2004
USDA Blocks Voluntary Mad Cow Testing The New York Times reports today that the USDA has blocked Creekstone Farms Premium Beef from voluntarily testing its herd for mad cow. It's a rather amazing intervention into marketplace practices from an administration that frequently prevents pro-consumer regulation from proceeding in favor of industry self-regulation. "The department's under secretary for marketing and regulation, Bill Hawks, said in a statement yesterday that the rapid tests, which are used in Japan and Europe, were licensed for surveillance of animal health, while Creekstone's use would have "implied a consumer safety aspect that is not scientifically warranted." "Lobbying groups for cattle ranchers and slaughterhouses applauded the decision, but consumer advocates denounced it, saying the department was preventing Creekstone from taking extra steps to prove its product was safe. [...] Consumer groups were critical of the department's decision. "It is ironic in the extreme that an administration that's so interested in letting industry come up with its own solutions would come down with a heavy government hand on a company that's being creative," said Dr. Peter Lurie, deputy director of the health research group at Public Citizen, a frequent food industry critic. Dr. Lurie said, however, the Japanese demand for 100 percent testing was irrational because it included animals younger than 20 months. "But there is no shortage of irrational consumer demands — like cosmetic surgery or S.U.V's — that industry is only too happy to cater to," he said. "That's what capitalism does." Andrew Kimbrell, director of the Center for Food Safety, another group often critical of the industry, said: "We're the ones who've been irrational on mad cow because of the foot-dragging and refusals to test, our head-in-the-sand attitude. And now that it's brought us to a crisis, American farmers have no way of protecting their market." [...] Gary Weber of the cattlemen's association called 100 percent testing misleading to consumers because it would create a false impression that untested beef was not safe. He compared it to demanding that all cars be crash tested to prove they are safe. Asked if American beef producers were content to give up the $1.5 billion Japanese market, Mr. Weber said: "We're not going to give in to their demands. If that means in the short-to-medium term that we don't have that market, that's the price we'll pay. But in the long run, it means there's testing that's science based and that creates a level playing field." Posted by chris at April 10, 2004 02:57 PMAnd how about a tax credit for not having kids? Posted by: at April 12, 2004 01:40 PMPost a comment
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