The Cultural Division of the Department of Foreign Affairs,
together with Irish Embassies around the world, and in association
with universities and centres of culture, has organized an exhibition
entitled International Joyce on the life and works of James Joyce.
This is to mark the centenary of the day in 1904 on which his novel Ulysses is set.
The exhibition will be shown at the following places:
City Venue Dates
Aarhus Statsbiblioteket May 27 - June 11
Beijing Peking University May 28 - June 10
Berlin Lichthof April 2 - 18
Boston Public Library Sep 17 - Oct 14
Budapest Eötvös Lóránd University Oct 1 - 8
Coimbra University of Coimbra May 25 - June 4
Copenhagen Hovedbiblioteket June 16 - 30
East Jerusalem Centre Culturel Français June 24 - July 2
Florence European University Institute June 7 - 17
Lisbon Casa Fernando Pessoa May 10 - 21
Ljubljana University of Ljubljana Dec 6 - 19
Moscow Foreign Literature Library June 16 - July 4
Nagoya Aichi Shukutoku Daigaku June 9 - 16
New Delhi India International Centre June 21 - 30
Paris Centre Culturel Irlandais June 15 - 26
Porto University of Porto April 20 - May 5
Shanghai Lu Xun Museum June 16 - 30
Sofia National Library April 21 - May 7
St Petersburg Nabokov Museum July 9 - 31
Szombathely Berzsenyi Dániel College Oct 11 - 18
Tel Aviv Tel Aviv University May 2 - 14
Tokyo Waseda University June 22 - July 2
Zadar University of Zadar Nov 22 - 29
Additional venues in prospect include Addis Ababa, Athens, Cairo, Lillehammer, Madrid,
Melbourne, Mexico City, New York, Nicosia, Oslo, Rome, San Francisco, São Paulo, Stockholm,
Sydney,Washington and Zurich.
Cultural Division, Department of Foreign Affairs, Ireland