I wish to express sincere gratitude to whomever signed me up for the Raelian press release list. It's great. Here's today's, which points out that 8% of Raelians are former Mormons! What a reason to join!
Press Release
Raelian Movement
Wednesday March 14, 2004
Resigned Mormon Bishop becomes Raelian
Sydney, Australia, April 14th, 04 - Ron Boston, 57 years young, has been a Mormon Bishop, probably one of the highest ranking in the world, for over 17 years in New Zealand and Australia. He has resigned from the Mormon Church, deciding to free himself from its religious constraints and live his sexuality as a gay. Mr. Boston decided to join the Australian Raelian Movement.
He recently read His Holiness Rael's book "The Messages Given by Extra- Terrestrials'“ and discovered he was Raelian, understanding the truth about the true Creators of humanity. He is very happy to join the Raelian Movement and to work towards the goal of building an Embassy on Earth for the official welcoming of the 'Elohim', our Creators - a very advanced race of human beings from a distant planet within our galaxy. The ELOHIM created all life on Earth scientifically using DNA (including humans in their image) and were mistaken for Gods, which explains why the name Elohim is present in all original Bibles. The Bible is, in fact, an atheistic book describing the scientific creation of life on Earth.
Ron is also very interested in spreading 'the messages' to the Mormon community, and assisting other ex -Mormon Raelians in spreading to the Mormon community.
Mr. Boston is not the first Mormon that left their church to join the Raelian Movement. In the United States alone no less than 8% of the members of the Raelian Movement are former Mormons - including the leader of the U.S. Raelian Movement, Ricky Lee Roehr.
For more information please contact our Public Relations office at 305-690-9800 or donnajn@bellsouth.net