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April 15, 2004
Americans Getting Fed Up With Advertising Today's Commercial Alert digest notes: Today, the New York Times reports on a new poll showing that a majority of Americans are fed up with the hailstorm of advertising we all suffer through. According to theYankelovich Partners poll: * 65 percent said they believed that they "are constantly bombarded with too much" advertising; * 61 percent agreed that the amount of advertising and marketing to which they are exposed "is out of control"; * 60 percent said their opinion of advertising "is much more negative than just a few years ago"; * 54 percent of the survey respondents said they "avoid buying products that overwhelm them with advertising and marketing"; * 69 percent said they "are interested in products and services that would help them skip or block marketing;" Posted by chris at April 15, 2004 12:56 PM
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