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January 17, 2005
The End of Autonomous Content is at Hand Someday, there will be no content. There will only be advertising. The Wall Street Journal tells us: ...Product placement has been around for years, but now the practice is growing rapidly in daytime television. Butterball turkeys, Nascar shirts and Kleenex tissue have all taken recent star turns. Not only do the characters on "All My Children" smell good, but they also have been swilling a lot of Florida orange juice -- and not because they're thirsty. A couple of observations: -Product placement started as the intentional presence of recognizable items in the background or in an actor's hands, now it's beginning to control the actual dialogue. As far as I am concerned, there is no end in sight. No amount of promotion is too much. Expect for the entire show to be based around a product before too long. -Note how soap opera viewers are guinea pigs for this type of advertising. It is not popularly understood that the limits of consumer acceptance are actually tested. Companies will test different versions of a product to see how far they can go in limiting features (so that they can be sold as premium services) before people revolt. So it's not the best product at the lowest cost. It's the most profit maximization keyed to the limits of consumer acceptance. Posted by chris at January 17, 2005 03:01 PM
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