Agenda, Minutes, Resolution, and Bill Procedure and Publicity.
Based on SGA Constitution, by-laws and Rules and Procedures.
1. Agendas:
Committee heads must create an agenda for each meeting.
These agendas must be submitted to Becki by 12 on Monday.
Becki will fax the agendas to the Red and Black and print copies for your members.
Members of the Executive Committee will write the agenda for Senate meetings. This agenda must be submitted to Becki 12 on Monday.
Becki will fax the agendas to the Red and Black and print copies for Senate.
2. Minutes:
Minutes and roll call should be taken at all meetings and should be placed in the Secretary’s office for typing and for the records of votes and absences. The secretary takes minutes at all full senate meetings and each committee’s secretary shall take minutes at their respective meetings. Those committee minutes should be turned over in writing to the secretary the night of the committee meeting. The Senators in their notebooks should keep agendas, minutes, bills and resolutions.
3. The basic progress of a bill or resolution:
· Bill: A draft of law presented to a legislature for enactment.
· Resolution: A formal expression of opinion, will, or intent voted by an official body or assembled group.
The bill or resolution is introduced by a senator to a committee for discussion and revision. The document must pass by majority vote to proceed.
The document goes to the Executive Committee for further discussion and revisions. If approved by a majority vote, the document is numbered and placed on the Senate agenda.
The secretary of SGA numbers the document by session and sequence. Therefore, the first bill of the 1999 session will be 12-01. (12th year of SGA, 1st document of the year.)
The author of the document gives a copy to Becki along with the phone numbers of the author and co-sponsors. Becki will fax the document to the Red and Black.
At Senate, the document is read and debated. The document may be amended (with friendly or hostile amendments), tabled, passed, or denied.
Most documents need a simple majority vote to pass.
Amending the by-laws requires a 2/3 majority and two Senate readings. See Article 12 of the Constitution.
Amending the constitution requires two Senate readings, a 2/3 vote of the Senators, a majority vote of campus-wide election, and approval of the UGA President. See Article X of the Constitution.