Bill: 11-16
Author: Steve Pitts
Co-sponsor: Chris Hoofnagle

A Bill to Amend the Constitution to Create an External Affairs Standing Committee

Ballot Question: Shall the Student Government Association Constitution (Article V, Section 2, Subsection a and c) be amended to create an External Affairs Standing Committee and to add the External Affairs Committee Chairperson to the Executive Council?


Article V. The Legislative Branch currently reads:

Section 2. Committees
Standing Committees:

There shall be three standing committees:
1. Academic Affairs Committee - Shall consider matters concerning academic and instructional items and issues.
2. Student Life Committee - Shall consider matters concerning non- academic and co-curricular items and issues.
3. Internal Affairs Committee - Shall consider matters concerning the function and operation of the Student Government Association.

Add the following changes and add section four to Article V. The Legislative Branch

Section 2. Committees
Standing Committees:

There shall be four standing committees:
1. Academic Affairs Committee - Shall consider matters concerning academic and instructional items and issues.
2. Student Life Committee - Shall consider matters concerning non- academic and co-curricular items and issues.
3. Internal Affairs Committee - Shall consider matters concerning the function and operation of the Student Government Association.
4.  External Affairs Committee: Shall consider matters concerning the local government.

Article V. The Legislative Branch currently reads:
Section 2. Committees

c. Executive Council
Shall be the President, Vice President, President Pro-Tempore, Secretary, Treasurer, Student Life Chair, Academic Affairs Chair, and Ad Hoc Committee Chairs.
Shall determine the final agenda for a Senate meeting at an Executive Council meeting. Any item to be considered for the agenda must be presented to the Executive Council prior to the Senate meeting at which the item is to be considered.

Add the following changes to Article V. The Legislative Branch

Section 2. Committees

c. Executive Council:
Shall be the President, Vice President, President Pro-Tempore, Secretary, Treasurer, Student Life Chair, Academic Affairs Chair, External Affairs Chair, and Ad Hoc Committee Chairs.

First Reading: 2/23/99.
Second Reading: 3/2/99.
Passed Senate by 2/3 vote: 3/2/99.
Passed Majority vote by student body: 3/3/99.

Malika Terry
SGA Secretary

Approved by:

Michael Adams
University of Georgia President