The Student Activity Fee:
Where does your money go?

· Students pay $38/semester for the Student Activity Fee.

· 52% of that money goes to administrative overhead (Cell 1).

· The rest is distributed among the student organizations (cell 2) and colleges (cell 3).

Here's the 1998 breakdown:
Total Breakdown
1.  Department of Student Activities  (Administrative) 1,103,749
2.  All Campus Programs and Activities (clubs such as University Union) 853,326
3.  Schools and Colleges 165,519
Total 2,122,594

1. Breakdown of Administrative Budget ($1,103,749)

Student Activity Administration 77,300
Student Activities Business Office 16,750
Staff Salaries 590,248
Staff Benefits 132,142
Department Labor Pool 128,433
Recreational Sports Administration 158,876
Total 1,103,749

2. All Campus Programs Activities.  (Student Organizations. $853,326)

University Union 438,027
Recreational Sports 64,434
Media and Publications 56,759
Student Government 26,916
Minority Student Programs 58,138
Additional Programs 167,658



3.  Schools and Colleges (1997 numbers)

College of Agricultural &Environmental Sciences 10,909
Arts and Sciences 63,721
Business 20,600
Education 25,397
Environmental Design 4,508
Forest Resources 5,105
Family and Consumer Sciences 7,490
Journalism 6,865
Law 6,425
Pharmacy 4,316
Social Work 4,697
Vet. Med 3,695
Total (1997) 171,611

Things to think about:

1. Why is administrative overhead 52%?
2. The enrollment formula for the school and college funding.
3. Why Rec Sports overhead 65%?
4. What is the surplus funding from the prior year?
5. If student pay through the activity fee to run the Tate Center, shouldn’t Food Services pay rent and utilities?