SGA-External Affairs Committee

 The External Affairs Committee was created by Mr. Newman and Mr. Pitts to increase student involvement in local government.  The EAC will become a standing committee in 1999.

How to make an Open Records Request:

In 1998, UGA changed its open records request system to help individuals make requests.
Here's a sample Open Records Request letter.  Just use your browser to cut it (right click) and paste it in your word processor.  Then you can customize the request and send it off.




Pursuant to the state open records law, Ga. Code Ann. Secs. 50-18-70 to 50-18-76, I write to request access to and a copy of
 If your agency does not maintain these public records, please let me know who
does and include the proper custodian’s name and address.

I agree to pay any reasonable copying and postage fees of not more than $<XX>. If the cost would be greater than this amount,
please notify me. Please provide a receipt indicating the charges for each document.

As provided by the open records law, I will expect your response within three (3) business days.

If you choose to deny this request, please provide a written explanation for the denial including a reference to the specific
statutory exemption(s) upon which you rely. Also, please provide all segregable portions of otherwise exempt material.

Please be advised that I am prepared to pursue whatever legal remedy necessary to obtain access to the requested records. I
would note that willful violation of the open records law can result in the award of reasonable attorney fees and other costs
of litigation.

Thank you for your assistance.


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