SGA-External Affairs Committee

 The External Affairs Committee was created by Mr. Newman and Mr. Pitts to increase student involvement in local government.  The EAC will become a standing committee in 1999.

Property Taxes:

If you rent, lease, or own property in Athens-Clarke County, you pay property tax.
If you rent or lease, your landlord pays the bill and passes the cost on to you through rent.
Property taxes fund the local public schools.  Most students don't have children in the local schools,
but A-CC Ensures that you pay more than your fair share in taxes:

Homeowners use this formula to determine property tax liability:

(Fair Market Value of the property * 40%) – (Homestead exemption) = Tax assessed Value
(Tax assessed value * Millage Rate) = Tax bill for the year.

On a property worth $100,000, a local homeowner would pay $973.50 in taxes.

($100,000 * 40%) – ($10,000) = $30,000
($30,000 * .03245) = $973.50

The bill is a more for renters because renters do not receive a homestead exemption when determining their tax assessed value.  Therefore, renters are charged $1298 for the same property.  Landlords receive the bill for property taxes, and they pass the cost on to the tenants through rent.

(100,000 * 40%) = $40,000
($40,000 * .03245) = $1298.00

It doesn’t matter that you’re only here for part of the year.
It doesn’t matter that you don’t have children in the local schools.  You still pay more.