SGA-External Affairs Committee

 The External Affairs Committee was created by Mr. Newman and Mr. Pitts to increase student involvement in local government.  The EAC will become a standing committee in 1999.


 The SPLOST (Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax), is an optional tax that counties may pass by referendum to generate more revenue.
As a result of SPLOST, sales tax in Athens is 7%

4% goes to the State.
Another 1% goes to subsidize the property tax.
Another 1% goes for capital building projects, such as the Classic Center.
Another 1% goes to build a local high school.

The purpose of an inflated sales tax is capture money from transients.  In A-CC, the word transient means students, people who work in A-CC but live elsewhere, and people from surrounding counties who shop in Athens.

Local leaders argue that SPLOST is legitimate because all residents pay the same tax.  Sure, but this tax has an adverse impact on students for several reasons:

1.  Students (generally) have a lot of disposable income that is spent on items taxed by SPLOST.
2.  1% of SPLOST goes to subsidize the property tax.  Why?  Well, the local leaders know that SPLOST hits non-homeowners disproportionately.  Items such as groceries are taxed at a lower rate. But, when you're a student and buying items from convenience stores, you pay the full 7%.
3.  The capital expenditures build by SPLOST principally benefit the locals.