The External Affairs Committee was created by Mr. Newman and Mr. Pitts to increase student involvement in local government. The EAC will become a standing committee in 1999.
From the Red and Black (1996) Opinion Editorial
by Chris Hoofnagle
Tenants of Athens, UNITE!
Maintaining a cooperative
relationship between a landlord and tenant is the best bet for obtaining
high-quality housing at a fair price. Cooperation drives costs down.
As costs drop, honest landlords will reduce rental rates.
We could achieve
a high level of cooperation between landlords and tenants by creating a
union. This tenant-landlord union would serve many functions:
Most importantly, a tenant-landlord union could provide information to
renters on responsibilities, fair legal practices, and neighborhood statistics.
A tenant union could also keep a complaint database on landlords and tenants,
and act as a mediator for disputes.
Property managers
attribute many housing problems to either the ignorance or the irresponsibility
of tenants. Property managers call this the mommy effect. Persons
affected by the mommy effect never learn basic housekeeping skills:
How to change the air filter, how to prevent pipes from freezing, how to
use the washer, and what will—and will not—flush down the toilet.
When landlords and
tenants cooperate and communicate about tenant responsibilities, the mommy
effect disappears. When tenants stop causing these problems, overhead
operation costs decrease.
Besides providing
information about tenant responsibilities, a tenant-landlord union could
provide legal information to renters. For instance, security deposit
law is simple, but few students know their rights: The landlord must
return the security deposit, with an explanation of charges, 30 days after
a tenant vacates. If your landlord does not return this deposit on
time, the landlord loses the right to retain any portion of the deposit.
Landlords that own
more than ten units must place security deposits in an interest-generating
escrow account. If they fail to do this, the tenant is entitled to
triple damages and attorney’s fees.
Similarly, landlord
liability is unknown to most tenants. Landlords can be responsible
for accidents that result from poor upkeep.
Also, if a landlord
fails to keep a property in repair, the tenant may fix the problem.
After the tenant repairs the unit, she may set the cost of repair against
the rent.
A tenant-landlord
union could provide valuable crime statistics on neighborhoods, and provide
location information. Some landlords tend to exaggerate the actual
location of their properties. A tenant-landlord union could set strict
definitions for unit location. By strictly defining subjective terms like
near, we could eliminate false claims of convenient locations.
A tenant-landlord
union could keep a database of problem tenants and landlords, and provide
complaint mediation.
Similar to a Better
Business Bureau, this database and mediation service could solve disputes
without resulting to costly legal action. Complaint accounts could
be held not only on landlords, but also on irresponsible tenants.
-Chris Hoofnagle is a senior
from Bethesda, MD.