Dear Student Leader:

Dr. Adams will be officially inaugurated Monday, March 9th. On this day, the Student Government Association is sponsoring a question/answer session from 3:00 - 4:00pm in the reception hall of the Tate Student Center (Rm. 137 & 138). As the leader of your organization it is in your best interest to be present at this session and represent the views of your organization and its members. This is also an opportunity to hear the views of Dr. Adams.

You are fortunate to be in a position to take advantage of this very urnique opportunity to spend time with the President of the University of Georgia. If you have any questions, please call the Student Government Office at 542-8584. 1 look forward to seeing all of you on March 9th.


                                    Kevin D. Abernethy

                                    Student Government


Tate Student Center o Athens, Georgia 30602-3401 * (706) 542-8584

An Equal Opportunity/AftInnative Action Institution