Resolution: #10-02 Author: Brett Newman Sponsor: Kevin Abernethy

The student body of the University of Georgia through its elected members of the Student Government Association does hereby resolve:

Whereas, the Athens Transit System has propsed a significant increase in the
mandatory per student fee paid to the System for providing University
students unlimited access to the Athens Transit System; and,
Whereas, the Vice President for Student Affairs requested that the Student Government
Association assess the student opinion regarding the continuation of the
relationship with the Athens Transit System and the proposed fee increase; and,
Whereas, the Student Government Association did initiate meetings with officials of the
Campus Transit System and the Athens Transit System to better understand the
relationship between the transportation systems and the rationale for the proposed
fee increase; and,
Whereas, the Student Government Association has met with student leaders, held an open
forum, and discussed these issues at great length in meetings of the Student Life
committee all intended to elicit student input and opinion of these matters.

BE IT TBERFORE RESOLVED THAT: The Student Government Association of the University of Georgia does hereby recommend that the relationship be continued between the University of Georgia and the Athens Transit System to provide the unlimited access now afforded the student body.

BE IT FURTBER RESOLVED THAT: The mandatory fee be a fair and reasonable rate such that when actual student ridership is applied, the rate does not exceed the best fair available to any Athens Transit passenger.

Tate Student Center * Athens, Georgia 30602-3401 e (706) 542-8584

An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution