3. Any Freshman Board member who has any more than two unexcused
absences from any of the above required activities will be referred to
Internal Affairs for expulsion.
4. All members of the Freshman Board in good standing will have all rights
and privileges of Senator status with the exception of the right to vote in
5. Upon selection to Freshman Board, SGA will provide and Freshman
Board will attend seminars to integrate them into the workings of SGA
and empower them to realize their ideas. The topics covered will be
summaries of Robert's Rules, resolution writing, office procedures and
rules, public relations, basic organization and functions of Senate and
committees, and any other topics considered pertinent for the Freshman
6. All duties will end for Freshman Board upon election of the new Senators;
however, Freshman Board will have the opportunity to be full members of
the selection committee, in accordance with the bylaws already passed
concerning this issue, for the selection of the next Freshman Board.
Article V. Appointed Officers
Section B.Appointed Officers
2. The minute taker will have the following responsibilities and privileges:
e. Shall report all absences and turn in all absence forms to the
Internal Affairs Chair.
Article IX. Amendment Procedure
Section A. Amendments to Constitution The Constitution of the Freshman Board is part of
the bylaws for the Student Government Association; therefore, this document may
only be amended through the procedures stated in the Student Government
Association Constitution for amending or forming SGA bylaws.