Whereas the student life committee held hearings for all organizations that receive money from the activity fee, and
Whereas all organizations, save one which is funded 80% by outside sources, said that there was a need and that they had talked with their organizations before coming to the hearings, and
as s senators as well as members of organizations
ting the University Union have talked with students
of their.organization and,
Whe t there was an open forum held before the entire senate in Mich any interested student could come voice their opinion,
is the findings of these collective things, that an increase of $6.50 should
be implemented. This increase would boost the activity fee to $25.00. Thirteen
would go to administrative which is currently receiving $10.00, and $12.00
would go towards programming which is currently receiving $8.50. This increase
would prevent the need for an additional increase within the next 6-7 years.
It will also help with the decrease of enrollment and the increase of inflation.
This increase is a necessary step in order to continue programs currently
running and to bring better programs to this University.
All Campus Allocations Recommendations a ions
Whereas, the student activities fee is paid solely by students;
students request more student input on the allocation of their money;
the Student Government Association serves as the representative body of
the students;
other state institutions such as the University of Florida, Auburn University,
and Georgia Institute of Technology allow the student governments at the
respective schools to allocate the student activities fee;
the Georgia Regent's policy dictates that a committee comprised of at
least 50% students allocates the student activities fee; and
the Vice President for Student Affairs currently sets the structure of
this committee;
Be it therefore resolved that the Student Government Association recommends that the Vice President for Student Affairs examine the following requests:
1. The Student Government Association seeks more student input in the committee and requests that all student representatives to this committee be appointed by the president of SGA with the exception of up to two additional students appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs to insure a balanced representation.
2. The All Campus Allocations Recommendations Committee shall meet and prepare a budget. This budget shall then be sent before the Student Government Senate for recommendations to be considered by the committee.
3. After the final draft of the budget is completed, the SGA Senate should approve the budget before it will be sent to the Vice President for Student Affairs.
The Student Government Association requests that these changes occur in the next few years beginning in 1992-1993.
Respectfully presented,
Holly Thomas, SGA President