Sponsored by: Jason Williams
Passed: May 26, 1992
A resolution concerning the feasibility of erecting a memorial
to the late Jenny Stone
Whereas, SGA seeks to represent the interests of all students
on campus,
Whereas, SGA recognizes the need for a memorial,
Whereas, SGA is interested in fostering campus safety
Be it resolved:
SGA recognizes the need for a memorial to the late
Jenny Stone.
SGA will investigate the feasibility, design, and funding
of this proposed memorial by sending liaisons to the family,
administration, and interested student groups.
By so doing, SGA will foster interest in campus safety
and promote a positive image on campus.
Sponsored by: William Perry
Passed: September 29, 1992
The Student Government Association recommends that the University Council amend
the Statutes of the University of Georgia and the Bylaws of the University Council to
include the President of the Student Government Association as an ex officio member of
the University Council and the Executive Committee of the University Council effective
upon final approval of the amendment.
Sponsored by: Ashley Disque
and the Internal
Affairs Committee
In order to increase student representation on the All Campus Student Activities
Allocation Committee, the Student Government Association recommends that two
additional students be added to the allocations board, bringing the number of students up
from six to eight, thereby creating a majority of students on this committee.
These two additional students shall be appointed in the following manner: One
additional student shall be appointed by SGA, bringing SGA's appointments up from three
students to four. The other additional student shall be an At-Large student representative
appointed by the Vice President of Student Affairs, bringing that number of appointments
up from three to four.
Sponsored by: Jason Williams
Passed: February 2, 1993
This bill proposes that the Student Government Association of the University of
Georgia support the Office of the Vice President of Student Affairs in attending to the
needs of a deceased student's family. This support would include writing a condolence letter
to the family and providing any other services requested by the Office of the Vice President
of Student Affairs or the student's family, within reasonable limits.
Sponsored by: Richard Martin
Alex Panos
Leigh Christi Smith and
Doug Perry
Passed: December 1, 1992
In recognizing the fact that the quarterly, three day, drop/add process takes place while
classes are in session, and,
Whereas, several departments have a policy of dropping students from the course they have
previously registered for if they miss the first two days of class, and,
Whereas, this situation puts the student in a difficult position - losing a vital class, in
exchange for gaining a vital class.
Therefore, be it resolved:
The Student Government Association of the University of Georgia, strongly urges the
University Council to accept the following proposal as a university-wide policy:
The third day of drop/add of each quarter be declared a "drop/add day" on the
University of Georgia campus.
On this "drop/add day," all classes on campus will be cancelled, in order to allow
students to acquire the classes they need without hinderance of missing the classes
they are already enrolled in.
Sponsored by: Richard Martin
Passed: February 2, 1993
The Student Government Association, in carefully considering the current order in
which the student body registers for classes hereby makes the following recommendation:
Be it resolved:
SGA recommends that the current registration priority system be maintained.
SGA also urges the administration to address the growing need for additional courses
to be offered.
Title: Teacher Evaluation Bill
Sponsored by: Leigh Christi Smith
Richard Martin, III
Passed: February 9, 1993
In recognizing the fact that student concerns about professors are a valuable tool in
evaluating their performance, ie (teaching ability); and
Realizing the fact that many students are reluctant to criticize a professor's teaching
ability or methods, for fear of retaliation by that individual or by that department;
Be it resolved, SGA, through the Academic Affairs Committee, will act as an official
liaison between the students and the various departments on campus.
SGA will organize a procedure in which a student at UGA can file a complaint about
a professor, graduate assistant or teaching assistant and SGA will contact the appropriate
department on campus on that student's behalf.
Title: The Student Input Bill
Sponsored by: Leigh Christi Smith
Richard Martin, III
Passed: February 9, 1993
In an effort to obtain student input on the question of whether or not an adequate number
of classes are being offered at the University of Georgia;
Be it resolved:
SGA will provide funding for a Student Input Day on the second and third day of drop/add.
A table with refreshments will be set up in front of Memorial Hall on the aforementioned
days, spring quarter to survey students on their success in getting the classes they needed.
Sponsored by: Richard J. Martin, III
Passed: April 6, 1993
To simplify the election process, thus increasing student participation in Student
Government Association elections;
Be it resolved,
All registered students may vote for the designated number of senate seats, in each
class categories as specified by the SGA Constitution. Each student, Freshman, Sophomore,
Junior, Senior or Graduate, may now vote for a total of 34 Senators and one Presidential
ticket spring quarter.
This will be an amendment, changing the election by-laws, effective immediately upon a twothirds vote by the senate.
Title: Bill Against Proposed Student Taxes
Author: John Bradberry
Passed: February 23, 1993
WHEREAS, the students of the University of Georgia have long been
an integral part of the Athens-Clarke County community,
WHEREAS, the students, faculty, and staff of UGA create a stronger
economy and much revenue f or the community and local government
WHEREAS, students represent approximately one-fourth of the total
population in Athens-Clarke County,
WHEREAS, the Athens-Clarke County Commission has disregarded the
wishes of the student body before by passing such ordinances as the
Open Container Law and the Family Rezoning Ordinance,
WHEREAS, the student body has not received adequate representation
to the Commission,
AND WHEREAS, the county of Athens-Clarke is desperately in need of
money, and because the commissioners see the students as easy
targets for new taxes since historically they do not vote in local
LET IT BE KNOWN, that the SGA opposes any attempt by our local
officials to levy the following possible taxes directed at
1) PARKING DECK - On Sunday Feb. 14th the hours were changed from
closing at 7:00 PM each day to closing at 1:00 AM (no fees on
Sunday). This is a direct tax on students since almost all these
"fees" are paid by students.
2) STREET METERED PARKING - As of now the meters are in effect
until 5:00 PM. The control of these meters was given to the Athens
Downtown Development Authority on about Jan. 3, 1993. With this
the ADDA now has a monopoly on virtually all downtown parking
(College Ave Deck, county parking lots and meters). The SGA has
been alerted to possible upcoming changes in fees and/or fines
and/or hours of this metered parking. The raising of this tax on
patrons of downtown businesses is a tax that is directed at and
falls most heavily against students. We reiterate that these taxes
on metered parking are stongly opposed by this body in
representation of all UGA students.
3) ALCOHOL TAXES - In March the county commission will begin
discussing and voting on new alcohol taxes which again are directed
most heavily against students. The forms of these taxes are 1) A 301
pouring tax on all hard liquor drinks and 2) an increase of the
annual license fees to establishments serving liquor. These new
taxes will most assuredly be passed on to the consumers of these
drinks which again is in large part the students.
This bill calls for the following:
1) Parking Deck hours moved back to
7:00 PM
from the
1:00 PM
that operates now.
2) NO changes in street parking in regards to fees, hours, fines,
and any method of unfairly extracting monies from the studentcitizens of Athens-Clarke County.
4) No alcohol tax
This Bill calls for the SGA to take the following specified
1) Request a meeting with CEO of Athens-Clarke County Gwen
O'Looney. At that time, the SGA will present the CEO with the
specifics of our bill.
2) Schedule a two-day petition drive to inform the students and
also to show the students extreme concern on these matters to the
3) The Senate shall meet at City Hall at the time of the ACCC's
vote on this matter.
4) Present the petitions to the CEO.
ALSO, we invite all students to join their SGA in this movement to
secure and protect their rights as citizens and taxpayers of
Athens-Clarke County.
Title: Teacher Evaluation Bylaws Amendment Bill
Sponsored by: Academic Affairs Committee
Author: Leigh Christi Smith
Passed: April 6, 1993
The Academic Affairs Committee recommends the following amendment to the bylaws of the Student
Government Association of the University of Georgia:
Teacher Evaluations:
Section 1. Purpose
Through the Academic Affairs Committee the Student Government Association will act as an official liaison
between the students and the various departments on campus concerning teacher evaluations.
Section 2. Authority
The Academic Affairs Committee will oversee the implementation of the teacher evaluations.
Section 3. Procedure
A. A student with a complaint or compliment may pick up a form at the
Tate Center Information Desk, the Student Government Association
office, or any other place deemed appropriate or necessary, to be
decided by the Academic Affairs Committee.
B. The form must be legibly filled out and returned only to the
Student Government Association office to be given to the Academic
C. The complaints will be first read by the Academic Affairs Committee
D. The complaints will be considered by the Academic Affairs Committee
and the committee will decide if, when, and why action should be taken.
E. The decision of the Academic Affairs Committee will then be taken to
Exec and senators will be assigned to meet with the head of the
department of the said professor in question.
F. The senators will then follow up on the action that was taken by the
G. At the end of each senate term, the teacher in each school or college with
the most compliments will be given The Student Government Association
Distinguished Award in Teaching. The award will be given at the annual
Student Government Association Banquet.
***This amendment will go into effect immediately upon 2/3 approval by the Senate.
Sponsored by: Richard J. Martin, III
Minority Opinion
Title: Orientation Bill
To address the need to familiarize new senators with the inner-workings of SGA,
BE IT RESOLVED, immediately following the Spring Quarter elections, the new
senate will vote on a date, on which an orientation workshop will be held. This workshop
must be held during the spring quarter.
The goals of the this workshop are two-fold:
a. to give the senate an introduction into the process of
creating legislation.
b. to provide the senate with a sense of purpose and vision.
Each of the standing committees: Internal Affairs, Academic and Student Life will
work jointly in organizing this event. SGA will provide adequate funding for refreshments
to be provided at this workshop.
Title: Inaugural Bill
Sponsored by: Richard J. Martin, III
Minority Opinion
To promote a positive relationship with the student body at the beginning of the
senate term,
Be it resolved, SGA will sponsor an "open house" for the student body within two
weeks after Spring Quarter elections. The actual day of this "open house" will be decided
by a senate vote.
This "open house" will consist of the following:
a. A booth will be set-up in the Tate Student Center Plaza, to give
out information on SGA to the student body.
b. Refreshments will be provided at the booth, in quantity as deemed
appropriate by the senate. Sufficient funding will be allotted, by
the senate for this purpose.
The entire senate elect will be present at this event, to meet the
student body and to represent SGA.
d. The president and vice-president elect will speak at this event,
reiterating their platform, and relaying their vision for SGA's
e. Some form of entertainment will be provided at this event, musical
(ie. a band, recorded, etc.) or otherwise deemed appropriate by the
Title: Super-Senator Bill
Sponsored by: Richard J. Martin, III
Minority Opinion
To recognize outstanding performance among the senate, and to
Provide positive reinforcement from the SGA leadership,
Be it resolved, beginning with the 1993-94 senate term, ince each month, a senator
will be recognized for their individual achievement, and outstanding performance within
The selection process will be held in the following manner:
a. During the first executive committee meeting of each month,
the committee chairs will submit their recommendations from
their respective committees, for this award.
b. The executive board will then decide the recipient of the
The internal affairs committee will be responsible for creating the design of the
awards, and for setting-up the requirements and stipulations for receiving the award. The
president pro-tem. will create a separate, perfect attendance award, which with guidelines
set-up by the pro-tem, subject to the approval of the executive committee.