SGA RESOLUTION 7-OtQ Author: David Henson Sponsor: Environmental Affairs Committee

WHEREAS, the Student Government Association is truly dedicated to the betterment of the University community, and the continued protection of our natural environment.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Student Government Association shall enter into a partnership with the Athens Area Humane Society, providing vital campus publicity for their fledgling aluminum recycling project. The SGA will hereby commence our partnership with the AAHS by allocating a maximum of $40 toward the production and placement of University bus cards, to be displayed for two weeks during the month of February 1995.


The Athens Area Humane Society operates upon a nominal budget, and have initiated their aluminum recycling project to alleviate further financial strife.

Tate Student Center * Athens, Georgia 30602-3401 - (706) 542-8584

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