VOTE OF DIVERSITY BILL Written BY: Richard Martin and Jocelyn Walters C Sponsored By: The Cultural Affairs Committee

Association has observed the events unfold with regards to the
protest of the Homecoming Activities by several minority
organizations on campus. It is clear that minority representation
was lacking among the first round of judges selected to choose the
Homecoming Court. It is also clear that there is an absence of
minorities among the finalists chosen in this process. Since the
university is a host o er?;,,rlcf rel' J ns, races, cultures,
ethnic groups, and ideas, lversilE~Prk'Polltgia~n abstract issue. Our
university cannot continue to claim it supports a multicultural
atmosphere if actions to the contrary are allowed to go unchanged.

The Student Government Association supports the right of students to peacefully protest and air their grievances to the University Community. We recognize the concerns expressed by the Minority Student Alliance and hope the following goals will result from the pro-active protest: