SGA Resolution

Sponsored By: The Student Life Committee, Julie Smithwick, and Brett Bates

Written By: Richard Martin

Whereas, the Student Government Association, working with the Students for Environmental Awareness, compiled a comprehensive list offering environmentally responsible alternatives for the administration to consider jointly with the auxiliary services proposal written by Mr. George Stafford;

Whereas, SGA submitted copies of these alternative directly to Auxiliary Services, the President, and the University Council;

Whereas, Dr. Knapp, in his final decision has only agreed to implement Mr. Stafford's original proposal, with the understanding that the 'feasibility' of bike lanes is to be studied at some undetermined date and a carpooling program pilot project is to be studied;

Whereas, this decision by Dr. Knapp displays that the
administration has a low level of concern for the environment, and
an almost non-existent concern for student needs,
Therefore, Be It Resolved, (_~& I ~ I

The Student Government Administration vvnrTe_=s the decision rendered by Dr. Knapp, regarding the parking proposal. The fee increase places an undue burden on the student body, and the parking 'remedies' that these inflated fees are designed to cover are inadequate. The future of student mobility and environmental stability is at stake, this policy must be reconsidered.

SGA will re-submit a revised version of the original environmentally friendly alternatives to Dr. Knapp's office. We