Bill # 7-- C"::)
Committee: Freshman Caucus
Subject: New Senator Orientation Bill
Written by: Freshman Caucus Chair Brett Bates and Record Editor Vito Loiacono
Sponsored by: Freshman Senators- Brett Bates, Vito Loiacono, Jen Bolton, Gabe Gray,
Tisa Chambers; Junior Senator- Nicole Bagley
(1) Recognizing the lack of institutional instruction made available to newly
(2) elected Senators on SGA,
(3) Realizing that educating these new Senators about the history of SGA and
(4) the steps required to complete a project is a necessity,
We hereby
(5) 1. Request that a New Senator Orientation Program be established by SGA for
(6) the education and betterment of new Senators,
(7) 2. Further Request hat participation in this program be mandatory and will be
(8) completed within the first academic term from which the respective Senators are
(9) elected,
(10) 3. E=ress our hol2e that the Graduate and Administrative advisors oversee the
(11) implementation of this program,
(12) 4. H=uest that any nominal printing costs or fees mandated for a venue or
(13) instructional aids be paid for by SGA.