The University of Georgia
Student Government Association
SGA Bill 6-05
Sponsored by Richard Martin
By-Laws Bill
In the current unratified section of the Student Government By-Laws, under
Meetings, section 8 (absences) paragraph (C) reads: "Any absence will be determined
excused or unexcused at the Executive Committee meeting based on the definition of an
excused absence:
1 . Death in the immediate family.
2. Serious illness or injury.
3. Examination during a Senate meeting.
4. Other valid excuses shall depend upon the decision made at the Executive Committee
Pending a first reading by the President Pro-Tempore, a review by the internal affairs
committee, and a two-thirds vote the following by-laws change will become effective:
"All absences in the following list will be considered excused by SGA, all others will be
subject to a majority vote by the Executive Committee: [The following is a list of excused
1 . Death in the immediate family.
2. Serious illness or injury.
3. Examination during a Senate meeting.
4. Any academic activity significant to one's course of study. Documented proof will
be required if a senator's excuse falls under section four.
Tate Student Center * Athens, Georgia 30602-3401 * (706) 542-8584
An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution