October 11, 1996

To the All Campus Homecoming Committee:

The students of the University of Georgia created the President's Council when they ratified the Student Government Association constitution last year. The purpose of creating such a council was to bring the presidents of nine of the largest and most representative groups on campus together with the president and vice-president of SGA, in order to ascertain student opinion on a variety of issues concerning the students of the University of Georgia.

On October 10, 1996, the President's Council had its first meeting of the fall quarter and discussed the changes that the All Campus Homecoming Committee made in the traditional Homecoming court: the removal of Miss Homecoming, replacing her with that of Mr. and Ms. Georgia BuIldawg. Although there was some difference of opinion among the presidents regarding the merits of the change, everyone agreed that the students should be allowed to decide what kind of homecoming court is best for the University.

Last year 707 students voted in a Student Government sponsored poll where 56% supported a return to solely female student recognition and 44% supported keeping male and female recognition. While some have argued that this is not a representative sample, it is the only official poll to date. This year there were only seven men who wished to compete for the title of Mr. Georgia BuIldawg, despite active recruitment by the All Campus Homecoming Committee. Based on these facts, the President's Council must conclude that there is not overwhelming interest in the male- counterpart to homecoming. Therefore, it is the opinion of the Presidenrs Council that the students should be allowed to vote as to whether future Homecoming recognition ceremonies should have solely female representation or male and female representation.

The Presidenrs Council believes this could best be done by asking a simple question on the homecoming ballot. "Do you prefer female representation or male and female representation on the homecoming court7' By placing this item on the ballot the President's Council hopes to obtain a representative sample that will accurately portray student opinion.

When the President of the Student Government asked the All Campus Homecomin Committee to add this question to their ballot, the chairperson responded in writing, "The Homecoming Committee has decided that the male counterpart is in the best interest of the University, therefore it will be permanent." The Presidenrs Council does not feel that this proclamation is fair to the students, in light of the fact that the All Campus Homecoming Committee receives over $10,000 of their student activity fees.