Proposal to elect Student Members of the University Council concurrent with election to the

Student Senate by School and College.

The Student Government Association proposes to have the election of certain of the. student members of the University Council elected concurrently with students elected to serve in the Student Senate of the Student Govenunent Association from those schools and colleges. This change in elective procedure will increase the opportunity for student participation and give clearer voice to student opinion in matters concerning the campus community. Those elected to the University Council in the 'proposed manner will have access to all resources of the elective student body in gathering opinion and input on issues before the Council and Student Govenunent wil.1 gain the benefit of Council insight into such issues.

that all members ofthe Student Senate be elected from and by the respective schools and
colleges. We are proposing the elective process for the Student Senate and for Student Member
of the University Council for specified schools and colleges be combined in such a way as to
allow the election to designed Senate seats and to the Council from those schools and colleges to
occur simultaneously. This proposal complies with the University Council Bylaw requirements
that students be chosen through an elective procedure and by school and college and is consistent
with the provision of Part V, Section III, paragraph D, of the Bylaws whereby a student
governing body may be granted the responsibility for the process to elect student members to the

Only those schools and colleges requesting the Vice President for Student Affairs to conduct the election of student members of the University Council on their behalf will be included in this process. Those schools and colleges electing student members of the Council by an internal process may continue to do so as provided within the Council Bylaws. Those posts that are to be both members of the Student Senate and members of the University Council will be clearly designated as such on the ballot to be voted by the respective school or college and all elections will be held under the oversight of the Vice President for Student Affairs.

Tate Student Center * Athens, Georgia 30602-3401 @ (706) 542-8584

An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution