The University of Georgia
Student Government Association
Contact: Missy Rivers
(office) 542-8584
(home) 208-9364
November 6, 1996
Freshman Board Established by SG
Student Government is establishing the Freshman Board to solicit freshman opinion
and orient freshman leaders to the organization.
The board will consist of 9 freshman selected through an application and interview
Applications will be made available at the Tate Center Information Desk and SGA office
on Friday, November 8. They will be due to the SGA office by 5pm on Monday,
November 18.
Freshman representatives will be chosen by the Internal Affairs Committee of Student
Government based on their previous activites, honors, and leadership positions.
The Freshman Board will elect its own executive board, conduct its own meetings to
discuss freshman issues, and serve as voting members of SGA committees. The
President of the board will serve as a consulting member of the senate's executive
To recieve further information or arrange interviews with any member of SGA, please
contact Student Government's secretary, Missy Rivers.
Tate Student Center * Athens, Georgia 30602-3401
(706) 542-8584
An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution