The University of Georgia
Student Government Association
Contact: Missy Rivers
SGA Ad Hoc Commiftee to Re-invent Homecoming
An ad hoc committee on homecoming was charged with re-inventing the
homecoming celebration by Student Government Association President, Bart Newman,
at the senate meeting on January 14, 1997.
The new committee, chaired by Kevin Abernethy, will design an action plan for
carrying out future homecoming celebrations.
SGA created the committee in response to ongoing research conducted by its
student life committee since homecoming 1996. Newman hopes to enlist the help of
student life committee members, previous All Campus Homecoming Committee
members, as well as any other interested students.
An amendment to the SGA constitution, designed to permanently establish the
Freshman Board as part of student government, was written by the internal affairs
committee following the senate meeting.
To become part of the constitution, the amendment must be read twice before
the senate, pass a two-thirds vote in the senate, pass by a majority of those
participating in the student body vote, and be approved by the President of the
University of Georgia. SGA plans to hold the student body vote during the upcoming
senatorial elections.
The present Freshman Board meets for the first time on Thursday, January 16 to
elect their president and secretary. The board was created fall quarter to solicit the
freshman voice that was missing from SGA following the switch to election of senators
by schools and colleges, not grade level.
Tate Student Center
Athens, Georgia 30602-3401
(706) 542-8584
An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution