The University of Georgia
Department of 325 Tate Student Center
Student Activities StudentAffairs Athens, Georgia 30602-3401
(706) 542-7774
June 7, 1996
Dr. Charles Knapp
University of Georgia
Presidents Office-Lustrat House
Athens, Ga 30602
Dear Dr. Knapp:
I wanted to take a second to introduce myself to you. My name is Bart Newman.
I am
the newly elected SGA President. I am looking forward to discussing with you the
different issues concerning Student Government and the University of Georgia for the
upcoming year.
have enclosed the SGA resolution and the President's Council letter supporting the
recognition of Memorial Day as an official holiday for the University of Georgia. We
look forward to working with you on this issue.
Furthermore, I want to thank you for recognizing SGA as the voice of the student on
this campus. If students and other administrators know that you look to SGA to gauge
student opinion, then maybe these people will do the same.
I think that we would both agree that a strong Student Government only makes this
University better an endorsement by the President of the Unviersity gives Student
Government the clout it needs to garner student interest and respect.
Thank you again.
Bart Newman
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An liqual Opportunity/Affirmath-c Action Institution