September 25, 1996

To the members of the All Campus Homecoming Committee:

The results of the Student Government Referendum pertaining to the Homecoming representatives are as follows: of the 707 students participating in the poll: 49.2% favored a return to female only while 38.4% favored male and female.

Less than 10% of the voters chose the title Mr. and Mrs. Bulldog, thus showing that an overwhelming majority prefer the title of Miss Homecoming or Homecoming Queen. SGA believes that it is only fair for the ACHC to change the name of Mr. and Mrs. Bulldog to one of the preferred titles.

In the spirit of compromise, SGA is willing to accept that the students will elect a male representative to the Homecoming court this year. In return, however, we would like for there to be a question added to this year's homecoming ballot which would simply poll the voters and ask the question; "Do you prefer female representation or male and female representation?"

If the ACHC will agree to abide by whichever choice receives the majority of the votes, the SGA will in turn enthusiastically support this years Homecoming ceremonies and do whatever it can to help.


Bart Newman
Student Government President

Jason Waters
Student Government Vice President

CC-: Tp/xi CocJ)Mr1

Tate Student Center * Athens, Georgia 30602-3401 * (706) 542-8584

An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution