The Univelsity of Georgia
The Student Government Association
Whereas, the University of Georgia is one of the largest
universities in the southeast; and
Whereas, the University of Georgia does not currently have
official hosts and hostesses of the University;
Be it therefore resolved that we the Student Government
Association recommend that a group of qualified students
be chosen to represent the University as official hosts and
hostesses. This group shall be called the Arch Society and
shall consist of 15 males and 15 females, junior level or
above. Moreover, the Arch Society shall not take the place of
any other University organization that currently exists.
Furthermore, the Society shall represent all areas of the
University including the Athletic Association, the Alumni
House, and Student Affairs.
Tate Student Center * Athens, Georgia 30602
(404) 542-7774
An Equal Opp ortuni ty/Affirmative Action Institution