I. Any new advisor selected for the SGA by the Department of
Student Affairs must be allowed to work in concert with
Thomas E. Cochran for the first three years following the
selection of the advisor. Mr. Cochran's day- to- day or
direct involvement over this time period will decline
gradually. In the event that Mr. Cochran cannot discharge
the above duty, the acceptable substitutes are the Associate
Vice President or another assistant to the Vice President of
Since Mr. Cochran's memory serves as the only extant and
comprehensive history of SGA since its reinstatement, SGA
must be assured that he would initially work closely with
a new advisor in order to facilitate a smooth transition.
II. The SGA president or his or her duly appointed proxy shall be
a voting member of the committee which interviews candidates
for this position.
III. The credibility and efficiency of the SGA in University
matters has been substantially enhanced by SGA's unlimited
opportunities to receive advice from a staff member who deals
very closely with the Vice-President of Student Affairs. For
this reason, SGA must be insured that such a line of
communication will be maintained after the aforementioned
three-year time period has expired.
Tate Student Center
Athens, Georgia 30602
(404) 542-7774
An Equal Opp ortunity/Affirmative Action Institution