The Utfiversity of Georgia
The Student Government Association
Whereas the University of Georgia is one of the largest
universities in the southeast; and
Whereas the University's current soccer clubs, both men's and
women's, are top-ranked in the southeast; and
Whereas soccer is one of the fastest growing sports in the
southeast; and
Whereas the students of the University would support a soccer
program; and
Whereas the cost of starting a varsity soccer program would be
Be it therefore resolved, that the Student Government Association
of the University of Georgia, after researching varsity soccer
programs at other schools, proposes that the Georgia Athletic
Association recognize soccer as a varsity sport.
We, the Student Government Association, recognize the policy
stating that the Georgia Athletic Association will not recognize
any sport as a varsity sport unless the SEC recognizes that sport
as a varsity sport. We request that you make an exception for
Tate Student Center
Athens, Georgia 30602
(404) 542-7774
An Equal Opp ortunity/Affirmative Action Institution