Student Association of The University of Georgia
Meeting of March 8, 1988
Held in room 414, Memorial Hall
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 p.m.
Number of members present . . . . . . 16
Members absent . . . . . . . . Dennis Prickett
Kelly Curran
Jennifer Barker
Lane Haley
The minutes of the meeting of March 1 were distributed and
clarified as follows: The screening committees for
the alternate delegate to SAC and the student liason
to the Athens City Council as well as the Allocations
Committee will consist of SA Senators and members of the
University Council.
Mr. Tom Cochran, interim faculty advisor to the SA, can
be reached in his office, 201 Academic Building, or
by phone, 542-3564.
The Appropriations Committee will henceforth be refered to
as the Budget Committee.
Order of Business
*Vice Presiden~ Chris Cockfield opened the floor for discus
sion as to how the SA should fill the vacant seats now
existing in the Senate (4 sophomore, 3 senior, and
3 graduate seats open).
It was moved by President Howie Manis that "The Student
Association make applications for the vacancies
available. All applications will be due two weeks
(14 days) after the day they are made available.
Classifications by credit hours will be listed on the
applications to clarify who is eligible (sophomore 3645 hours; senior 91-135 hours; graduate must be enroZled
in post-grad work). All appeals relating to eligibility
must be heard no later than three days before the application deadline. On the deadline date, all applications
and signatures (300) will be due. The SA will then
form committees to screen the applicants. The committees will then present candidates to the full Senate
for an approval vote."
The content of the motion was discussed. It was moved by
Senator Karen Tarlano that discussion be closed. The
motion presented by President Howie Manis passed unanimously.