Student Association of The University of Georgia
Meeting of March 29, 1988
Held in room 137, Tate Center
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 p.m.
Number of members present . . . . . . 17
Members absent . . . . . . . . Jennifer Barker
Lane Haley
Dennis Prickett
The minutes of the meeting of March 8 were distributed and
The Elections Committee presented a sample application that
was reviewed and approved as revised.
The Bylaws Committee presented its report.
The Public Relations Committee presented its report.
Senators Todd King and Kelly Curran will be members of the
screening committee for the Student Activity Fee Allocations Recommendations Committee.
Senators Jay Biles, Amy McCrory, Cale Conley, and Phillip
Foil will be members of the screening committee for SAC.
Senators Scott Starling, William Cantrell, and Kelly Reeves
will be members of the screening committee for the
student liason to the Athens City Council.
Meeting adjourned 9:20 p.m.
Carter Sturkie,
Interim Secretary.