The meeting was called to order at 8:40 p.m.
Number of members present . . . . . 25
Members absent . . . . . . . . Jay Biles
John Piedrahita
The minutes of the meeting of may 3 were approved as read.
Chris Cockfield presented the Election Committee's report: one of the
Sophomore seats was still open. A vote to fill the vacant seat
took place by secret ballot. Votes were counted by President Manis
and Mr. Cochran.
Kelly Reeves presented the Bylaws CaTrnittee's report: New revisions of
bylaws were distributed to the Senate for approval. Article I, sec.
2 (Constitution conflicts); Article IV, sec. 2 (Candidate limitations); and Article IV, sec. 4 (Candidate support) were all
tabled for further revision. All other bylaws passed unanimously.
William Cantrell presented the Budget Committee's report: All new
senators recieved a copy of the budget.
order of Business
Carter Sturkie presented a report on the AIDS Virus Prevalence Study
being conducted by University Health Services.
It was moved by Dennis Prickett that "the Student Association not render
an official opinion (pro or con) concerning the AIDS Prevalence
Study." The motion was defeated: 2 in favor, 19 opposed, and
2 abstaining.
It was moved by Scott Starling that the Student Association strongly
oppose the policies of the AIDS Study. The motion was defeated:
2 in favor, 18 opposed, and 3 abstaining.
It was moved by Howie Manis that "the Student Association not support this
plan until the SA and Health Services can reach an agreement allowing
students to give express written consent for their blood to be used
for this purpose." A roll call vote was requested. The motion
was defeated (10-11-2). In favor: W. Cantrell, C. Conley,
K. Curran, H. Gelfand, L. Haley, K. Reeves, S. Starling,
S. Calabrese, M. Schisler, J. Stephens. Opposed: J. Barker,
L. Bruening, P. Foil, T. King, A. McCrory, D. Prickett, N. Smith,
C. Sturkie, K. Tarlano, T. Googe, W. Parrish. Abstaining: L. Franks,
Z. Taylor.
It was moved by Phillip Foil that "the Student Association support the UGA
Health Services' (in conjunction with the American College Health
Associat:-on, as asked by the Centers for Disease Control) participation in the study." A roll call vote was requested. (cont.)