The motion passed (15-8-0). In favor: J. Barker, L. Bruening,
W. Cantrell, C. Conley, K. Curran, P. Fbil, T. King, A. McCrory,
N. Smith, C. Sturkie, K. Tarlano, T. Googe, W. Parrish, J. Stephens,
and Z. Taylor. Opposed: H. Gelf and, L. Haley, D. Prickett,
K. Reeves, S. Starling, S. Calabrese, L. Franks, and M. Schisler.
President Howie Manis swore the new'senators into office. Representing
the Sophomore class are: Stephanie Calabrese, Trey Googe, Jeff
Stephens, and Zachary Taylor. Representing the Senior class are:
Les Franks, Will Parrish, and Mark Schisler.
Meeting adjourned 10:45 p.m.
Carter Sturkie,
Interim Secretary.