
The Student Association Constitution states:

"Any senator or officer shall be subject to expulsion after two unexcused absences from Senate meetings during one term of office."

This means that any senator that has already received one unexcused absence this term is subject to expulsion if one more unexcused absence is accumulated. This is for one term of office which means it does not start over in the fall!

The following are the guidelines for the attendance policy that will appear in the bylaws or rules of order that will be up for senate approval at the beginning of the next academic year:

A. Any officer or senator who plans to be absent from a Senate meeting must report an excuse to the Executive Committee meeting prior to his/her absence.
B. Any absence will be determined excused or unexcused at the Executive Committee meeting based on the definition of an excused absence:

Office Hours
A. Each senator must work at least one hour per week in the Student Association office according to his/her class schedule.
B. Any senator who plans to miss his/her office hour(s) must inform the President Pro Tempore at least one day prior to his/her office hour(s).
C. The penalty for missing an office hour is equivalent to one half of an absence from a Senate meeting.
D. Any office hour missed will be determined excused or unexcused by the President Pro Tempore.
E. If at all possible, any senator that is going to miss an
office hour should try to find a replacement for that time. The
name of the senator that will be substituting during the missed office
hour should be reported to the President Pro Tempore. That senator
will then be responsible for that hour only on the day of&the

Checking In
A. Each senator is required to check in the office at least two days in addition to his/her office hours.
B. The penalty for not checking in to the office is equivalent to one fourth of an absence from a Senate meeting.

***These policies are subject to change before senate approval is received under the discretion of the Internal Affairs Committee.