A. Funding has been approved for a second escort van. More
publicity is needed.
B. The new Constitution has been approved - we are now officially
the Student Government Association. Work will now begin on new
C. the "I'm Drivin" program needs more support and publicity.
D. VOTE '90 - October 1-3 - Tate Center plaza. More bands and
speakers are needed. Senators who have not already been
deputized as registrarts need to do so ASAP. There will be a VOTE
'90 meeting Tuesday, September 25 at 8:00 p.m. in room 145 of the
Tate Center.
A. SAC Conference - The University of Georgia will host the fall
meeting of the Student Advisory COuncil to the GA Board of
Regents. This will be Nov. 2-4. Several senators are working on
proposals within the council.
A. The Athens/Clarke COunty governments will merge in January. The
new government will create a 4th district encompassing the
University community, giving students the chance to elect a
University representative.
B. SGA needs people for the positions of clubliaisons and General
COmmittee members.
C. Homecoming
D. Heath Garrett, as SGA Presidents, will serve opn both the Martin
Luther King, Jr. celebration planning committee and the Athens
Clean and Beautiful COmmission.
With all business concluded, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Suzy Hendricks - Secretary