1 We are still looking into the current status fo the open
container ordinance.
2. The housing survey conducted today was very successful.
We will be conducting another survey in 0-House Dining Hall
next Tuesday. See Sandra Wang to sign up to work.
3. Work is continuing on the second escort van approved last
4. Subway is the Restaurant of the Month for June. Everyone
was given six flyers to post on campus.
'Mere was no old business to be discussed.
A. Wiliam Perry and GCM Phil Smith submitted a proposed letter to
be sent to organization presidents, asking for a liaison to the
Student Association to be selected from each organization. Perry
read the letter to the senate. Perry and Smith discussed the
reasons for the proposal. Wang raised the question of which
organizations would receive the letter. A friendly ammendment
changing the wording of the letter to direct it to only certain
organizations was ofered by Mr. Cochran, and accepted by Perry.
The motion was called to a vote by Perry and seconded. 'Me
motion was accepted unanimously.
B. An election wtihin the Senate was held to fill the vacant junior
senate seat. Four students applied for the position: Stephen
Buchner, Shane and Carol Whaley were present. Tracey
Duncan applied but was not able to be interviewed, and was not
present at the meeting.
1. Will Cochran made a motion that there be no discussion of
the candidates among the senate. The motion was seconded