October 3, 1990
I. Call To Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. Vice-President
Ben Calhoun presided.
11. Open Forun
Was held for any non-member who wished to speak. Jennifer
Shoemaker, our City Council Liaison, spoke on local issues
affecting University students, especially the upcoming elections
and unification.
111. Roll Call
Senators absent excused were Cleveland and Tiggler.
Absent unexcused were Marsh and McManus.
IV. Reading of Minutes
It was approved to dispense with reading the minutes of the
previous week.
V. Officer Reports
B. Vice-President
C President Pro Tem.
VII. Committee Reports
A. Academic Affairs
1. Suzy Hendricks is working on an academic
dishonesty proposal for SAC.
2. The Dead Days proposal was tabled until next week.
B. Internal Affairs
1. We need people to serve as General Committee
members and club liaisons.
2. The bylaws are currently being revised.
C, Student Life
1. VOTE '90 will be held next week.
2. Susie Griffin needs help with the I'm Drivin'
3. The October Restaurant of the Month is the
Flamingo Room.
Vill. Old Business
There was no old business to be discussed.
IX. New Business
1. It was approved to sponsor the Student Discount Card.
2. There were will be two candidates forums for CEO and
Districts 3, 4, and 7.