To: University Council From: Student Government. Association Date: October 3, 1990 Re: Mandatory Physical Education Requirements

~4hile the Student. Government Association (SGA) recognizes the fact physical activity should perform, the role of promoting a healthier lifestyle and overall well being, and realizes that in some instances a physical education can be beneficial to individual growth, the SGA feels, however, that. the requirement; of five hours of mandatory physical education (PE) credits is extreme.

Due to the fact. that PEs are mandatory, class access i1bi 1 i ty is limited. If in fact; a student. can get a PE course, chances are that it will not-, be the class that the student desires. ~4hile college is filled with academic classes that-are not; always suitable to ones taste, surely those that; teach relaxation and recreation should lbe enjoyable.

Also, as comple;: as r-egistration already is, the added burden of accoLmodating a one hour class in t'he framework of r---,uired major classes and labs is very difficult as one progre-s-ses in their education. It often occurs that stu(f.ents have to choose between major acadamic classes or tlaeir required. PE courses. As college is accepted as an academic institution, the dilemma should not. be an issue.

      In today's society one can hardly avoid the pressure to be health

consciencious. By tlrie num-keer of walkers, runners, and students enrolled
in local health clubs, it is obvious-that; th2 concept; of a "healt'll-ly 1 'Do~f y I
is an accepte(f -part. of today's lifestyles. No longer is thee idea of
"overall physical health" an alien concept. as it. was -;.,hen the man(fatory
rec--uircm2nt-. was initiate(f.
Due to the-e facts and in light of student opinion, the SGA strongly advocates that-. the five hours of recuired PE credit b~? dro-o-a-1- form t.h-curriculum of tae UJiversity of Georgia. Student-s should be -aJJ07.-.--(f to t-.;:)ke these courses out. of interpst and Yersonal will insteac: of '-iavinc~ them forced upon then, under the guise of academic pursuit.