2. Freshman elections will be Wednesday, October 24.
The only polling place will be at the Tate Center
Plaza, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
3. Thank you to all the senators who participated in
the VOTE '90 campaign. Over 500 students were
C STUDENT LIFE - Laura Bourg
1. Please meet following the senate meeting.
2. Susie Griffin needs assistance with creating flyers.
A. Better Relations Days with the University of Florida
(Oct.22) and Auburn (Oct. 30).
B. Canidate's Forum - Districts 4 and 7 - Tuesday, Oct
30, 7:00 p.m. Reception Hall. CEO - Thursday, Nov. 1,
7 p.m. Reception Hall.
C, SAC Conference - Nov. 2-4, 1990 at UGA
A. A committee of students from various organizations, i
including SGA is being formed to deal with seating
problems at football games. Gates 2 and 5 will be open
for the Vanderbilt game.
B. Comments and responses are needed to the University
Self-Study by November 5, 1990.
C A motion was made and passed to conduct a survey on
student opinion of the PE requirements. Each senator will
be responsible for getting 100 responses to the survey.
D. Heath Garret and Erica Tiggler will represent SGA on the
Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration planning committee.
E Holly Thomas will sit on a student Activities committee
created to deal with complaints received about bands on
the Tate Center Plaza.
F. Paul Cleveland will be working on organizing an SGA
A. A tenative schedule of events for the SAC conference was
B. Ali Jones from SEA announced a public hearing to be held
on October 18 at the courthouse to discuss inceneriators
to be used by Noralco.